Getting Started With Red Light Therapy
Just like a plant, our bodies react to & absorb light that’s used for many biological processes. Red light therapy is a form of phototherapy that uses red 660nm & near-infrared 850nm light spectrums to stimulate your cellular structure and helps your body produce more cellular energy (ATP). Therapeutic red light is a 100% natural way to boost your body’s ability to heal and regenerate itself by penetrating the light into your skin muscles & bones.
Treatments require no discomfort or downtime. During the treatments from our devices, red light is evenly applied over the Body Surface, stimulating the cells to regenerate. Red Light Therapy is one of the most enjoyable and natural treatments, we know you’ll love it once you try it!
Disclaimer: we are not a medical service provider, and we do not provide any medical treatment. we merely sell red light therapy devices through our website that are adjustable to any prescribed treatment level. please seek professional advice before using our therapeutic red light equipment.
Below is a summary of how some users get started. Be sure to check out our How it works page to find out why red light therapy is for you.
Understanding Red and Infrared.
When determining your treatment levels it’s important to understand the difference between Red and Infrared spectrums.
The Red spectrum 660nm is designed to treat the skin; Epidermis and Dermis. This spectrum can penetrate the body nearly 1”. This spectrum is important for treating skin diseases, wounds, collagen production, skin tightening, skin toning, and cellular regeneration.
Infrared red light treatment penetrates deeper into the body, reaching your muscles and bones. It also provides a warming sensation to the skin. This spectrum is primarily used for muscle soreness, inflammation and recovery. Infrared also stimulates your bones, this helps increase general bone density and helps combat against degenerative diseases and deterioration from age related decline.
Example, if you’re focusing on your skin only, you may consider turning down the intensity of the infrared to reduce the warming sensation. However if your focusing on something deeper like muscles or bones, most of us will still leave the red spectrum on as there is no change to your session if it is off or at a lower intensity. Ultimately it’s great to be able to treat your whole body at once!
0Hz-30Hz Pulse Frequency Settings.
The pulse function is usually only adjusted by experienced users looking to fine tune their treatments. Most new users leave the setting at 0 to get started. The pulse setting range is 0Hz-30Hz, and is considered a low, medium, and high range effect. Lower ranges (0Hz-10Hz) can increase pain reduction. Medium ranges (10Hz-20Hz) can have a mood altering effect that enhances the production of endorphins a positive effect in mood, anxiety , stress and more. High ranges (20Hz-30Hz) can maximize the cellular production effect.
Do You Need Eyewear?
Eyewear is included with our red light therapy lights, but is it mandatory? Most people do not use them; however you can still cause an injury by staring directly into the LEDs. This can lead to a sunburn irritation (Welders Eye).
When treating the face, most users will simply keep their eyes closed. Studies have shown red-light and infrared red light treatments can improve eye health. Including protecting against retinal deterioration, decreasing cataract sizes & reducing retinopathy.
Mainly new users and those doing a high intensity targeted treatment on the face are the ones using eyewear. When you first start using red light therapy you may experience a blinking sensation while your eyes are closed. The eyewear helps with that as you get used to your treatments. Users doing multiple face treatments per day like in wound healing also typically use the eyewear.
Your First Test Sessions.
One of the most common methods practitioners use is simply doing a short test session to check for any irritations or adverse effects. The symptoms and causes are similar to how your skin would react to sunlight. If someone has a sensitive area that has not had any light exposure, practitioners usually advise to start off with low doses in that area. These initial sessions are usually 5-10 minutes at 50% intensity. As the progress is tracked the dosages are usually increased over a period of a few sessions to ultimately reach 30 minutes at 100% intensity.
Starting A Full Body Routine.
The most important part of getting the best results using red light therapy is staying on a consistent daily schedule. Some users even try to do two sessions per day, once in the morning and once before bed. This gives your body time to use the produced energy between your sessions. A majority of studies show more sessions per day than that was not detrimental, it just has little effect.
Most users determine RLT is safe for them first, then gradually work their way into more intense treatments. The full body users usually start with the light panel 12"-14” away and a 50% intensity for 10 minutes. Ultimately the goal is to reach 100% intensity at 6"-8" inches away from the panel for 30 minutes. Our devices sound a tone at the midway point of the session time set and that’s usually used as a signal to flip over. It’s best not to wear clothing during your session. Adding a small amount of air flow helps with heat management if needed, but who doesn’t love a good sweat detox?
Targeted Red Light Therapy.
Targeted red light therapy is not only used for healing but it’s an all-natural way to sooth reoccurring inflammation and pain naturally. Most users determine RLT is safe for them first, then gradually work their way into more intense treatments. Most users do not use the Blaze at maximum levels. Never get closer to the light output than 6” and keep all flammables away.
The most common practice is to start with a 50% intensity for both spectrums at 12” away. Then work your way up to 100% intensity for the Red, and leaving the infrared at 50%. If it is determined a deeper treatment is needed then users can slowly turn up the infrared spectrum. It’s best not to wear clothing near the treatment area, especially black as it comes with a burn risk. Constantly keep a monitor of the skin temperature in the treatment areas. Adding a small amount of air flow helps with heat management on the high intensity targeted treatments.
Before getting started, make sure you have read and understood our user agreement and you have read all of the FAQ’s
Don’t miss out on our summary of how it works and feel free to call or text us with any further questions you may have (412) 423-6090

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